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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Elsie;” ,找到相关结果约183条。
Movimientos sociales emergentes y nuevas maneras de educar
Rockwell, Elsie;
Educa??o & Sociedade , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-73302012000300003
Abstract: the aim of this article is to argue that recent social movements force us to take into account not only profound social inequalities, but also the social and cultural diversity produced by recent changes in the economy, as well as a by alternative ways of life and learning. since the historical making of the working class, a recurrent theme has been the hope to transform society through the education of a "new man". never the less, recent global capitalist economies have generated an ever more fragmented and dispossessed working class. in response, new social subjects have come into being, often taking up and transforming existing cultural resources and practices to strengthen social movements. i conclude that the acknowledgement of these social movements and formative processes have transformed enlightenment thought in education, and new ways of thinking about and acting within educational processes.
La lectura como práctica cultural: conceptos para el estudio de los libros escolares
Rockwell, Elsie;
Educa??o e Pesquisa , 2001, DOI: 10.1590/S1517-97022001000100002
Abstract: this article presents a perspective on the study of classroom reading practices based on the work of french social historian roger chartier. this scholar conceives the reading as a cultural practice that draws on shared artifacts, behaviors, attitudes and meanings. a basic tenet of his research is that "the acts of reading that give texts their plural and mobile meanings take place at the point of encounter between specific manners of reading and the reading protocols contained in the object that is read" (chartier 1993:80). his analysis centers on the material aspects of the book, and on reading practices, as well as on the text itself. this approach is illustrated with an analysis of a lesson in a mexican rural school. the teacher read a story from the textbook, closely following the implicit protocol. however, both the textbook layout and actual ways of reading influenced the outcome of the lesson. the article discusses the changing relationships to the written language that students construct through schooling. the history of literacy places a significant inflection between the intensive reading of single texts and the appearance extensive reading of multiple and changing texts, among them schoolbooks. however, chartier argues that the process of appropriation always transforms cultural practices and meanings in given contexts. attention to the everyday manners of reading in classrooms may reveal multiple appropriations of textbooks that lead to diverse relationships-some more inclusive, others rather exclusive.
Resistencia en el aula: entre el fracaso y la indignación
Rockwell, Elsie;
Educa??o em Revista , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-46982006000200002
Abstract: in this paper, i approach a conceptual dilemma involved in understanding student resistance in classrooms. i summarize some of the classic positions on resistance (willis, giroux), and recall the distinction between behaviors that contribute to "school failure" and those that express "moral indignation". i discuss classroom studies that attempt to explain moments of discontinuity in the flow of verbal interaction as evidence of student resistance. i then turn to the implications of the theories of basil bernstein and jürgen habermas to explain these processes. i suggest that not all expressions of resistance in the classroom should be seen as signs of incompetence, cultural difference, or self-condemning behavior. drawing on habermas' theory of communication, it is possible to understand many student's responses as a legitimate, albeit indirect, invocation of the validity claims of truth, correctness and sincerity.
The West, the Others and the Construction of a New Public Space
Elsie Rockwell
Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals , 1998,
Abstract: Although the encounters among distinct groups may give rise to complex cultural situations, the contents of these are not always exclusively cultural. An example of this is the dialogue in Chiapas between the EZLN (“Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional”)and the delegation from the Mexican government that was, precisely, the same group that had proposed dialogues with “culturalistic” interpretations and solutions, without offering real respect for the differing indigenous elements in Chiapas. In this case, it was the representatives of the indigenous tribes themselves who proposed an open and modern political discussion that transcended the boundaries of the old one, the one in which arrogance, local boss dominance, impunity, murder, corruption, and the use of force, among others, prevail. The dialogue in Chiapas showed, indeed, that the West is not the proprietor of rationality.
FASA-Renault.Un caso de internacionalización de la producción automovilística
Elsie Charron
Política y Sociedad , 1990, DOI: -
Abstract: Sin resumen
Los usos magisteriales de la lengua escrita
Elsie Rockwell
Nueva antropología , 1992,
On Leaves of Prayer
  Elsie Choy
Journal of Library and Information Science , 1991,
Abstract: 頁次:39-44
La lectura como práctica cultural: conceptos para el estudio de los libros escolares
Rockwell Elsie
Educa??o e Pesquisa , 2001,
Abstract: Este artículo presenta una perspectiva para el estudio de prácticas de lectura en aula basada en el trabajo del historiador francés Roger Chartier. Para este autor, "los actos de lectura que dan a los textos sus significados plurales y móviles se sitúan en el encuentro entre las maneras de leer y los protocolos de lectura dispuestos en el objeto leído" (Chartier, 1993). Su análisis se centra en aspectos materiales del libro y prácticas de lectura, además del texto en sí. Se ilustra este abordaje con el análisis de una clase en una escuela rural mexicana. En este caso, la maestra presentaba un cuento tomado del libro de texto, siguiendo de cerca el protocolo implícito de la lección. Sin embargo, tanto el formato del texto como las maneras de leer influyeron en su interacción con el grupo. El artículo discute las relaciones cambiantes que los ni os construyen con el mundo de la escritura a partir de su experiencia escolar. La historia de la lectura muestra una inflexión significativa entre la lectura intensiva del texto único y la aparición de patrones de lectura extensiva de múltiples textos, entre ellos, los libros escolares. Sin embargo, Chartier argumenta que el proceso de apropiación siempre transforma las prácticas culturales y los significados, según cada contexto. Una mayor atención a las maneras de leer en las aulas puede revelar múltiples apropiaciones de los libros de texto que se alan diversos tipos de relación, algunas más incluyentes que otras.
Sistema penal, seguridad ciudadana y policía en las metrópolis (Venezuela y el contexto regional)
Elsie Rosales
Espacio Abierto , 2010,
Abstract: Este ensayo, aunque contextualizado en la búsqueda de explicaciones acerca de los sistemas penales de los cuales, uno de los ámbitos identificados ha sido la seguridad, coloca su indagación en el otro lado: la despenalización de la seguridad, para que ésta trascienda los muros del sistema penal e intente proveer seguridad para los derechos, tesis que se innova como consecuencia de haber comprendido la incapacidad intrínseca y demostrada de los sistemas penales para abordar racionalmente la conflictividad humana más dura. Como consecuencia, se define a la seguridad como garantía de los derechos, lo que obliga a su evolución hacia la filosofía, políticas y acciones consustanciadas con el imperio constitucional de los derechos, lo cual pasa por el reencuentro humano y social en el espacio urbano como componente clave de tal despenalización.
Some biochemical data on the grey-lethal mouse
Elsie Watchorn
- , 1938,

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